SLST Club of the Year for 2022/23


As a member of our surf life saving club, there are an array of policies that we follow that are set from a national, state and club level.  Click on a below policy to explore its contents. 


Member Protection Policy

SLSA Policy 6.21 – Photography, Digital Recording & Images

Standard Operating Procedures- Lifesaving

Intellectual Property Policy

Kingston Beach SLSC Awards Policy

Kingston Beach SLSC Nipper parent Policy

Club Constitution

Our club constitution is a formal document that defines the framework within which the club operates. It establishes our club’s purpose, objectives, and the rules governing membership, management, and activities. The constitution serves as a guideline for decision-making and ensures that our club functions in an organised and transparent manner. By adhering to the constitution, the club promotes fairness, accountability, and the collective well-being of its members.


201509 KBSLSC Constitution V4.0